Doctor Jones

“Aside from criminology, I’d say archaeology has the highest body count.” Jarod Kintz, $3.33

“The geologist takes up the history of the earth at the point where the archaeologist leaves it, and carries it further back into remote antiquity.” Bal Gangadhar Tilak, The Arctic Home in the Vedas

Two for one quote day!

In a countryside a long, long time ago, in a world not that far away, lived a young woman who loved ancient history and Indiana Jones.

Seriously – how can you NOT want to be an archaeologist!

Can you FEEL that!

My maiden name is Jones.

I have a degree in Archaeology (and my first degree is Anthropology/Classical Studies) – my classmates and friends used to call me Gwendiana Jones. I’m not joking.


I know, Indy, Crazy!

When I hear of new discovers, I still get a rush of excitement to find out more details.

Then cue life – right out of left field. A controlling fiancé turned husband, children, divorce, a new marriage, responsibilities – you know, life.

For several years I have been fighting a fog of depression, anxiety, stress, and illness.

Whip that shit!

I started a new program with a WONDERFUL nutritionist at Sculpt Fredericton named Allison Hill. She is da bomb!

In the last week I have already gained more energy and joy than I have in the past several YEARS! I have had happy moments, don’t get me wrong, but this time I actually FEEL it inside of me instead of a deep, dark hole.

What does that have to do with Archaeology? Nothing really – except for the joy and excitement. My life isn’t over, not by a long shot. I have always said that I still have time.

You never know – maybe one day, I’ll hear someone call me Doctor after all, while I am digging in a remote location looking for my next big find.

I know it’s not as it is portrayed in film and on TV – oh trust me I know (I loved creating a topographic map of a site I dug on, very cool). But all the things people think of as tedious in the career – I LOVE. I LOVE cataloguing and holding items. I LOVE taking my time, clearing off objects – it’s my Zen.

Thanks for the inspiration, Indy.

No matter where the series goes, Harrison Ford will always be Indiana to me.

Aqua – Doctor Jones

3 thoughts on “Doctor Jones

    1. Isn’t it thought?! Aqua was in when I was doing my Archaeology (or just before…kinda vague on that one) – I loved listening to them – they are just so bubbly, you can’t help but feel happy.

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